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Book Direct
Book Direct
Booking direct is always best
We go out of our way to make sure those who choose to escape feel famous every time
Our philosophy is simple – we want to show you love. That’s why we only give full access to our suite of superstar experiences, lavish bedrooms, butler service on demand and seasonal exclusives right here, booking direct. Our promise to you is at the very least you will always be welcomed with a glass of Prosecco, we’ll always bring you Milk & Cookies before bed and we will always look after you the next morning.
We guarantee you the best price and access to absolutely everything you could possibly dream of when you book through us. We’ll even make sure one of our experience team contacts you before you stay to make sure every detail is perfect.
But for now, how would you like to hear more about those experiences?
Booking direct is best
We go out of our way to make sure those who choose to escape feel famous every time
Our philosophy is simple – we want to show you love. That’s why we only give full access to our suite of superstar experiences, lavish bedrooms, butler service on demand and seasonal exclusives right here, booking direct. Our promise to you is at the very least you will always be welcomed with a glass of Prosecco, we’ll always bring you Milk & Cookies before bed and we will always look after you the next morning.
We guarantee you the best price and access to absolutely everything you could possibly dream of when you book through us. We’ll even make sure one of our experience team contacts you before you stay to make sure every detail is perfect.
But for now, how would you like to hear more about those experiences?

“ The atmosphere is beyond theatrical – It’s not your typical hotel stay”